
Essential Japanese words and phrases that will no doubt help on your trip to Japan

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We absolutely agree that the Japanese language is not an easy language to master. Japanese has a completely different letters compared to European language which uses the common alphabet and understanding its unique grammar and pronunciation can be extremely difficult. To add to this ordure, the Japanese people are not the best when it comes to English which makes communication with the locals a very difficult task. Fortunately for you, we have compiled a list of Japanese phrases and words that will enable you to get by without using a word of English which will also leave even the locals impressed with your Japanese language skills.

Phrases used to greet others

1.  Hello:  Konnichiwa (こんにちわ)

2.  Good Morning: Ohayou (gozaimasu) (おはようございます) (※)

3.  Good Evening: Konbanwa (こんばんわ)

4.  Thank you: Arigato (gozaimasu)(ありがとうございます)(※)

5.  Sorry/Excuse me: Gomen (nasai)(ごめんなさい)(※)/Sumimasen(すみません)

6.  Yes: Hai (はい)

7.  No: I-Ie(いいえ)

8.  I understand: Shouchi Itasimasita(承知致しました)/Wakarimasita (分かりました) (The prior is much more polite)

9. I don’t understand: Wakarimasen (分かりません)

(※) While the phrases work with out the words within the bracket, it is much more polite to add it  to the end.

Asking questions

1.  Where is 〇?: 〇 wa doko (desuka)? (〇はどこですか?)(※)

2.  What is 〇?: 〇 wa nan (desuka)? (〇は何ですか?)(※)

3.  When is it?: Itsu (desuka)? (いつですか?)(※)

4.  Who are you?/Who is it: Dare/Donata (desuka)? (※)
5.  Why?: Na Ze/Doushite (desuka)?(なぜですか?)(※)

6.  How is it?/How is it going?: Dou (desuka)?(どうですか?)(※)

While the phrases work with out the words within the bracket, it is much more polite to add it  to the end. As you may know, Japanese people care very much about politeness and         therefore, the locals would much more appreciate it if you add it at the end.

(※) If you wish to change these phrases into the past tense, change “desuka” to “deshitaka” 
e.g. Where was 〇?: 〇 wa doko deshitaka

Requesting certain things

1.  Please give me 〇: 〇 wo kudasai (〇をください)/ 〇 wo onegai shimasu (〇をお願いします)

2.  Do you have 〇?: 〇 wa aru?(〇はある?)/〇 wa arimasuka? (〇はありますか?) 
(The latter is much more polite and is used when talking to people you do not know.)

Words expressing Subject

1.  I/Me: Wa-tashi (私)

2.  You: A-nata (あなた)
3.  He: Ka-Re (彼)
4.  She: Ka-no-jyo (彼女)

5.  They: Ka-Re-ra (彼ら)/Na-no-jyo-ra (彼女ら) (※)


Words that will come in handy

1.  This: Ko-re (これ)

2.  That: A-re (あれ)
3.  Meat: (O)-Niku (お(肉))(※)
4.  Fish: (O)-Sakana (お(魚))(※)
5.  Vegetables: Yasai (野菜)
6.  Clam: Kai (貝)

7.  Water: Mi-Zu (水)

8.  Drinks: Nomi-Mono (飲み物)
9.  Alcohol: (O)-Sa-Ke (お(酒))(※)

10. Tea: O-Cha (お茶)

11. Beer: Bi-Ru (ビール)
12. Coffee: Ko-Hee (コーヒー)
13. Toilet: To-Ire (トイレ)
14. Station: E-Ki (駅)
15. Bus Stop: Ba-Su Tei (バス停)
16. Airport: Ku-Kou (空港)
17. Hospital: Byou-In (病院)

18. Museum: Haku-Butsu-Kan (博物館)

19. Museum (of art): Bi-jyutsu-Kan (美術館)

20. Train: Densha (電車)

21. Bus: Ba-Su (バス)
22. Metro: Chika-Tetsu (地下鉄)

23. Phone: Den-Wa (電話)
24. Computer: Pa-So-Kon (パソコン)

25. Wifi: Wai-Fai (ワイファイ)
(※)Adding the letter in the bracket will make it much more polite.

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