
Keisoku-ji Temple

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Keisoku-ji Temple


Our Recomendation

Best time to visit: Fall
Open hours: N/A
Price: Free

Keisoku-ji Temple (鶏足寺) in Miyazaki, Japan, is a historic temple known for its unique architectural style and scenic surroundings. Let’s explore what tourists can expect, along with the advantages and disadvantages of visiting this cultural site.


What to Expect:

  1. Unique Architecture:

Keisoku-ji Temple is renowned for its distinctive architectural style, characterized by a combination of Japanese and Western influences. The temple’s main hall features a blend of traditional Japanese design and elements reminiscent of Western churches.


  1. Beautiful Gardens:

The temple is surrounded by well-maintained gardens, providing a peaceful and aesthetically pleasing environment for visitors. The seasonal changes in flora enhance the overall experience.


  1. Cultural Significance:

Keisoku-ji Temple has cultural and historical significance, reflecting the fusion of different architectural traditions. Visitors can learn about the temple’s history and appreciate the artistic elements incorporated into its design.


  1. Tranquil Atmosphere:

The temple’s location and surroundings contribute to a tranquil atmosphere, making it a suitable place for reflection and contemplation.



  1. Architectural Uniqueness:

For architecture enthusiasts, Keisoku-ji Temple offers a unique blend of Japanese and Western styles, providing an interesting and aesthetically pleasing experience.


  1. Serene Gardens:

The well-kept gardens offer a serene setting for visitors to enjoy a leisurely stroll, providing opportunities for relaxation and appreciation of nature.


  1. Cultural Exploration:

Keisoku-ji Temple provides a cultural exploration into the architectural diversity found within Japanese temples. It’s an opportunity to witness the creative integration of different design elements.



  1. Limited Accessibility:

Depending on your location in Miyazaki, reaching Keisoku-ji Temple may require careful planning. Accessible transportation options and routes should be considered.


  1. Language Barrier:

English information at the temple may be limited, and communication could be challenging for non-Japanese speakers. This might impact the depth of understanding for visitors unfamiliar with the temple’s history.


  1. Specific Appeal:

Keisoku-ji Temple may have a more niche appeal, primarily attracting individuals with a specific interest in architectural diversity and cultural exploration.


Is It Worth Visiting?

Keisoku-ji Temple is worth visiting for those interested in unique architecture, cultural exploration, and serene garden settings. The blend of Japanese and Western influences makes it a distinctive destination in Miyazaki. Travelers who appreciate the fusion of different design elements and the tranquil atmosphere of temple gardens will find Keisoku-ji Temple to be a rewarding stop in their itinerary.

Getting to Keisoku-ji Temple

  • By Public Transport

・It is very difficult to get to Naruko Gorge. If you are taking public transport, get of at Naruko Onsen Station (鳴子温泉駅) on the Riku Tosen line (陸羽東線) but will be a 70 minute walk to the gorge. As it is not really accessible via public transport, we recommend that you take a car instead. Note that the rest house and the observatory deck is closed during winter time so we recommend that you avoid this period. (Fall would be the best season to visit) 

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